Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sweating ALL the time- is this normal?

Q. Dr. Tam- I am a 24 year old woman with an embarrassing issue: I sweat ALOT.  Not just after exercising, but ALL the time (except at night) and regular deodorant just doesn't help. My feet are affected too. Is this normal? What can I do?

A. Sweating, the body's normal physiologic response to heat, serves to regulate your core temperature.  Excess sweating can be embarrassing, but it is rarely serious.  If you experience focal sweating  (underarms, palms or soles) that impairs daily activity, occurs for at least 6 months, is not due to medications or illness, and begins at age < 25 this is called "primary focal hyperhydrosis".  Though not dangerous, it can significantly affect your quality of life!  In this condition, the perspiration is the result of an exaggerated response of the sweat glands to normal emotional stress.  The condition can initially be treated with a prescription strength antiperspirant (used on palms and soles as well!).  Please be aware that generalized sweating, or sweating that occurs at night must be discussed with your doctor, as this could indicate a more serious cause. For more information on hyperhydrosis, you can visit the Sweat help site:

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