Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oh My... UTI.

Q: "I'm a 34 year old woman and have had 3 urinary tract infections in the last year. I don't have health insurance so doctors' visits are expensive. I'm writing to find out what I can do to prevent these infections? Can I treat a UTI without seeing the doctor?"

A: Urinary tract infections ("UTI's") can range from pesky to serious. The infection occurs when bacteria (usually from the bowel) enters the urethra (the tube connecting the bladder to the outside of your body). This can cause burning upon urination, urgency, cloudy or bloody urine, lower belly pain, and in more serious cases back pain and fevers. Preventive measures can work most of the time and consist of hygiene and diet.  But once symptoms begin, antibiotics are required.  Here are some preventive tips:
1. Wipe front to back (to decrease risk of bacteria into urethra).
2. Avoid frequent long baths.
3. Don't forget to empty your bladder! (urinate about every four hours).
4. Use tampons versus pads.
5. Clean the genital area before sex. (sex can introduce bacteria, thus the term "honeymoon cystitis")
6. Drink plenty of water.
7. Consider estrogen cream if post-menopausal
Of note, a popular theory is that cranberry juice can help prevent UTI's. There is some evidence that cranberry juice (by preventing the bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract) can decrease recurrence in young women, but the evidence is not strong and may not benefit everyone who tries it.  However, cranberry juice should NOT be used to treat a UTI. The only effective treatment is antibiotics.
You should contact your doctor if you have any symptoms of UTI in order to rule out other conditions and ensure you are on the appropriate therapy to prevent serious complications (in fact, your physician may be willing to treat you even without a visit). Women at risk of serious complications, like diabetics, the elderly, pregnant, or immunocompromised should be seen promptly.  Interested in more info? Check out this slide show from WebMD:

1 comment:

  1. I started following your tips to prevent UTI in summer. Last time when I had this infection then uti herbal tablets can be so effective for me. You can also try it.
